Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Amsterdam: Narrowest House in the City? The World?

 Step Right Up to the Narrowest House In The World?

Alley-houses. A single door width at street level, single windows going up.

Several cities around the world boast this kind of residence, built in the alleyways, as the narrowest in the world. See Scotland's bid at ://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/1634975.stm; and Brazil's at ://freshome.com/2007/11/06/narrowest-house-in-the-world-just-1-meter-wide/

Alley-house in Amsterdam. Narrowest house in city?

The advantage of this location location location is, or used to be, low taxes.  Taxes were often assessed based on front footage, or first-floor footprint.  In some places, that practice led to overhangs on higher floors, extending in various directions.  Many places boast skinny houses built in the equivalent of alleys between other buildings.

Which is the narrowest in Amsterdam?  The contestants line up.

We recall that this is, but another site shows another house entirely: see ://goeurope.about.com/od/amsterdampictures/ss/amsterdam_7.htm/.

And this next one shows a clock facade:  ://www.amsterdamtourist.nl/en/home/about+amsterdam/Amsterdam+Surprise/article/xp/content_artikel.Surprise+EN+-Narrowest+house+in+the+world/default.aspx /

There is a house near Conwy Castle, Wales, that makes the same claim as the world's narrowest house.

So, in Amsterdam, said to be the narrowest house in Europe. See Another narrow house. Then there is this one at Singel No. 7, fair use thumbnail from ://farm1.static.flickr.com/54/128061040_a35ac665e7.jpg
 full size image

said to be the narrowest house in the world:

Then there is this one,

 full size image

fair use from http://www.nedwater.eu/pictures/amsterdam%20narrowest%20house.jpg

Do an images search for narrowest house Amsterdam, and see even more. Somewhere is a site with stories about how they came to be, but we lost it. Gentlemen, start your facades.

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